Tuesday, June 19, 2012

OSHA Citations for Lead Exposure

OSHA Cites Heraeus Materials for Lead Overexposure

Lead is a heavy metal that has a pernicious impact on health for both the young and the old. It’s actually a slow-acting poison (it takes months to years before symptoms manifest themselves) that leads to long-term to lifelong serious physical and mental health problems. In heavy lead poisoning, it is fatal.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has proposed penalties of $45,265 for Heraeus Materials Technology LLC, which it found to have committed several health and safety violations, including allowing some of its workers to be exposed to dangerous high levels of lead and silver at the company's West Conshohocken facility.

Although OSHA safety training—for instance, OSHA 10 and OSHA 30—is now required by many employers, many workers are still exposed to unnecessary worksite hazards, such as the potentially fatal exposure to heavy metals at Heraeus Materials, because of employer negligence, ignorance, or plain disregard of basic safety protocols.

OSHA conducted an inspection in December 2011 after the Pennsylvania Department of Health alerted the U.S. worksite-safety watchdog to possible safety and health violations.

"Lead overexposure is a leading cause of workplace illness that can cause adverse health problems, including brain damage, kidney disease, and harm to the reproductive system," revealed Jean Kulp, the OSHA Allentown Area office director. "It is critically important that Heraeus Materials Technology takes effective steps to monitor, identify, and reduce exposure levels to safeguard its employees' health."

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