Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Military Spouse Career Options

mycaa program for military spouse
So much opportunity exists for military men following deployment or while they’re still on active duty. And through the government’s generosity, their spouses would also get to enjoy a number of privileges, including the right to education and finding a rewarding career. This article aim to expound on one of these privileges, the MyCAA program, and provide a few hints on how military spouses can make the most of it.

Determining Your Career Path

As part of the military’s initiatives to support the educational goals of its military men and their beneficiaries, the US Department of Defense has relaunched the MyCAA program for military spouses, a $4,000 educational grant that covers two years of tuition for the spouses of military personnel. Aside from providing military spouses with financial assistance, the MyCAA program aids beneficiaries on choosing the right course or career training program.

Often times, military spouses tend to find rewarding jobs in the following categories:

1.    Healthcare

Healthcare jobs often include registered nurses, nurse aids, healthcare information managers, encoders and medical transcriptionists.

2.    Early Childhood Education

This category includes pre-school teachers and administrators.

3.    Administrative

This category includes data encoders, customer service representatives, HR administrators and personal secretaries.

4.    Food and Beverage

Food servers, food handlers, cooks and entry-level work abound in this industry.

5.    Service

Teachers, attorneys, architects, writers, consultants and other service professionals belong to this field.

Things to Consider

It is important to take note of the following prior to choosing a career:
-    Are you willing to enter the workforce as an entry-level worker?
-    Job promotions in different industries are based on different merits, so you have to anticipate that it may take a while for you to pick up the pace or get promoted.
-    Remember that technology plays a huge role in terms of developments in your chosen field. This, in turn, may also change the rigors of your job. Find out if there’s an opportunity for you to earn from your chosen career even at home or as a freelance worker.
-    Can your job cross boundaries—meaning, will you be able to apply your skills as a worker in a totally different industry? 
-    What are the trends in the industry you’re getting into? What direction is the industry shifting to and how will you benefit from this? Is there a possibility for you to grow in your career following such trends?

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